Sunday, January 6, 2013

I'm up so late writing...but that is nothing new really.
I am a "night person"... a convenient way to be, especially if you are up late writing!


Happy New Year!  2013!
And, the topic is European Tour!
Surprise!! haha!

With the holidays some of the "planning" slowed down a bit. This is the stage where I am still gathering the contacts, writing, and waiting for responses.. Now that I have my tickets, I have to really sit down and decide on the cities I plan to visit.

Lets see, it stands right now..

Oh MY! It's starting to sink in how tiring this might be! Perhaps I need to scale down a bit, but then I keep thinking...5 weeks...3 to 4 days in a city.....hmmmm ... there is time.. I think!  I want to be free, but I also know I need to make some clear plans for performance dates.  This is a challenge.

Perhaps the best way to handle this is to keep all the cities I plan to go to still on the "list" and mark them off as needed, depending on where I will need and not...

It's better at this point to think broad .....

I'm thinking.... and it is a little daunting too!  Now that I'm back in the swing of all this I'll ponder and get back to you soon..

I feel it is important to share this part of my plan....the confused part...because after are here to experience this with me....hang in there!! This is happening one way or another!

with love,

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